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Student Dress Code

Student Dress Code Policy

Rim of the World High School Dress Code

Rim High School strongly believes in developing student pride. Students and staff are encouraged to wear blue, silver and white to support our school activities on school spirit days. Dress should be appropriate for normal school day activities; it should reflect pride, respect, and decency. Health and safety are guides to acceptable school attire. Students will adhere to the following dress code:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Bedroom slippers and other footwear without solid soles are not allowed. Shoes must have a “back” or strap to help keep shoe on, must also cover toes. Flip flops are not allowed as they are not considered safe footwear.

2. Clothing, headwear, backpacks and jewelry shall be free of tagging, pictures or any other insignias, symbols, or emblems which are crude, vulgar, and profane or suggest any sexual act.

3. Any article that advocates racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice or the use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons is prohibited.

4. Any garments, headwear, or accessory displaying emblems of outside clubs or gang affiliations are not acceptable and will be confiscated.

5. “Sagging” of pants is unacceptable; pants should be up above the buttocks region and cover undergarments.

6. Clothing must cover all undergarments, for both genders (muscle shirts, underwear) and females (bra, underwear), backless blouses, halter/tube tops, and sports bras/exercise tops are not allowed. Blouses/tops MUST have two shoulder straps and cover the entire midsection. See-through or fishnet fabrics must have a garment other than underclothing underneath. Excessively revealing or excessively tight clothing is not allowed (cut-outs, low-cut tops).

7. Shorts and skirts must be of sufficient length to completely cover the buttocks and the upper thigh must have an inseam of at least four inches (the width of your hand). The pockets cannot be longer than the shorts themselves.

8. In case of questionable dress not covered in the rules above, a site administrator will make a final decision.

Loaner clothes may be issued (t-shirts on site) as appropriate, and/or parents/guardians contacted to bring appropriate clothing to school. Repeat offenses will receive disciplinary actions.